27 May 2006

Peet's Coffee

What a loser! Writing about how much you love a particular brand of coffee is like writing about your favorite color or telling a story about a dream you had. What a waste of the internets.

But, screw it, Peet's Coffee ruined coffee for me. Everything else tastes like swill (with a few exceptions -- thank you, whatever they serve at the Novel Cafe in Santa Monica and King's Road in LA and Cubby's Cafe here in Culver City). I now get my bag of Italian Roast or Dickinson's Blend or whatever they call it from the supermarket and make my own and the three Starbucks within walking distance of my house can go screw themselves.

I'm so jittery about this topic, I just used "screw" twice in one post! What the hell! Thank god for the antioxidants, because they make up for the agitation!

Peet's Coffee emporiums, however, aren't decorative or cozy or conducive to much pondering, which is probably good, because I don't need to be sitting on my ass in some goddamned coffee shop all day, trying to look both intelligent and important. I have my cell phone out in case my AGENT calls, okay? It's not like I'm UNEMPLOYED.

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